How to Be a Better Developer

Lately I’ve had a few people ask me the same thing: “How can I become a good developer?” Unfortunately, that’s the wrong question to ask.

The problem is the fallacy of arrival. You’re never going to hit a point when you’re “there” with development. There’s no magic checklist of criteria, and nobody’s going to give you a stamp of approval once you’ve done everything on it. Development is a continuous process of learning. There’s always going to be something new to tackle, and somebody who’s better at that thing than you are.

Also, what constitutes a good developer is completely arbitrary. I know brilliant front-end developers who couldn’t write an algorithm to save their lives. Conversely, I’ve worked with amazing back-end developers who shy away from UI code like it’s an infectious disease. The funny thing is, I’ve seen both types work together and value each others’ expertise. So who’s to say one skill set is better or worse than the other?

At best, the notion of a “good” developer makes some people feel inadequate. At worst, it excludes individuals from our community who might be strong contributors. There are plenty of people who are afraid to even call themselves a developer, because they feel like they haven’t earned the title yet. (Do you write code? Yes? Then you’re a developer!)

The Secret Sauce

Fortunately, there’s a much better question you can ask yourself: “How can I become a better developer?”

The beautiful thing about this is it applies to all developers. If you’re brand new to coding, it gives you permission to ask questions. If you’re at the top of your game, there’s always something new to discover. When you ignore artificial criteria, you free yourself to grow. It’s okay for you not to know something, because it means you have an opportunity to learn.

So how can you become a better developer? Here are a few ideas:

  • Read and learn: The more you read, watch talks and try out new platforms, the better off you’ll be. Technology is relentlessly marching forward — if you’re not moving with it, you’re falling behind.
  • Focus on the Fundamentals: Even if you’re an expert, it’s always good to get back to the basics. Regularly review core topics.
  • Improve your soft skills: We don’t write code for computers; computers think in zeros and ones. We write code for other people to read. Improving your ability to express yourself is one of the most overlooked ways to become a better developer.
  • Start a side project: Build something fun for yourself. Side projects are a great way to try out frameworks and learn new skills. If you’re new, they’re also good resume builders, and give you something to talk about in interviews.
  • Test your code: Testing is the easiest way to increase the quality of your code. Plus, it helps you spend less time tracking down bugs.
  • Don’t worry about technology choice: It really doesn’t matter what stack you choose to learn. Pick something that you like and something that’s popular (it helps to have a big community of people who can help you).
  • Expand your outlook: If you can have a conversation with a non-developer, empathize with their perspective and work with them to solve a problem, you’ll be miles ahead of many other developers. Design, business and marketing are all good areas to dig into.
  • Talk to people: Find other people who write code and say hello. Check out your local meet ups. There are vibrant development communities, and they can be a great source of inspiration and guidance.

Focus on the process instead of the result, and you’ll improve your skill set in no time.